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Top 10 Fitness and Weight Loss Tips

1. Get into the habit of being active.

Don't just rely on your "exercise" sessions to keep you fit. Use the stairs, walk to the shop, go for a bike ride with your family, go for a walk at lunch, etc… eg. A one hour fast paced walk with the dog is a great exercise session!

2. Vary your training.

There is a need to constantly vary your training and modify the intensity. If you train at one thing and never increase the time or intensity, your body will adapt to it, and your fitness will not improve. Consider that training should continuously challenge your body past it's current capabilities; this is how we get fitter. Also, you won't get bored!

3. Cut down on high sugar and high fat processed foods.

These are generally the single biggest problem in the Western diet. Foods that are dense in energy (calories) generally provide you with more calories than you need and can be eaten rapidly. Steer clear of deepfried, crumbed and creamy foods as well as soft-drinks and other high sugar foods.

4. Educate yourself.

Don't use the excuse, "I didn't know that x food was high in fat". Read the labels, ask your trainer, do whatever it takes to learn about what you are eating. The same goes for exercise, don't use the excuse of I didn't know what to do? Ask your trainer, read a fitness magazine, ask a friend, buy a $10 calorie book, do whatever it takes.

5. Don't make excuses.

Occasionally, there may be a reason why you can't fit in your exercise or eat well, but most of the time, it is an excuse. Make eating well and exercising a priority. Not to say that you have to exercise 10 times a week and eat perfectly all the time, but don't make excuses for not doing what you set out to do at the start of the week. People who constantly make excuses, don't achieve their goals.

6. Set goals and be realistic.

Be realistic about your goals and about how much exercise you are prepared to do. Set your goals realistically and break them down into small goals. The goal can be activity based, it doesn't have to be result based. Ie one goal might be - I will exercise 4 times this week, as opposed to I will lose 1 kg this week. Focus on the process, not on the result.

7. Rest and Listen to your body.

Make sure you get enough sleep every night so that your body can recover and rejuvenate. Don't push yourself to exhaustion day in day out. For your body to be efficient as possible it needs adequate rest.

8. Eat a variety of foods.

Variety is the spice of life. Eat a large variety of fresh, unprocessed foods to ensure you get all of the Vitamins and Minerals you need. You will also reduce your fat and sugar intake without trying!

9. Eat breakfast and Drink lots of water.

Eat breakfast every day. A good breakfast could be wholegrain cereal with low fat milk/soy milk or wholegrain toast, or fruit or low fat yoghurt - or even better, a combination of these foods - there are heaps of combinations to try! Also, drink 8 glasses of water every day - this keeps you hydrated, regular and slows down the feeling of hunger.

10. Have fun and enjoy.

If you are not enjoying your exercise and the feeling you get, you will not keep it up. Find something you enjoy. If you don't enjoy the food you eat, you will not keep eating it. Find a good balance of food you enjoy that is nutritious, and go for it. Treat yourself in moderation, there is no need for total abstinence.

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